Movie Review: Netflix “Mary”

I reviewed the Netflix movie “Mary” live on Facebook earlier today. The goal of God Save the King has always been to (re)tell the nativity story as biblically and historically accurately as possible. The real story of the real biblical Read More …

Were Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Undocumented Immigrants?

Every year at Christmas time there are attempts to equate Joseph, Mary, and Jesus’ flight from Bethlehem to Egypt to the plight of illegal immigrants—claiming that they too would have been “undocumented” and therefore turned away at the border. While Read More …

Parthian Graffiti

Dura Europos was a Greek, then Parthian, then Roman city on the western bank of the Euphrates River approximately 310 miles northwest of the Parthian capital of Ctesiphon on the Tigris. It was founded around 300 BCE by Seleucus I Read More …