Babylonian Humor
Thank you Nik Larum
Maybe the Nativity doesn't look quite like we think it does
Thank you Nik Larum
• Augustus Caesar reigned from 27 BCE to 14 CE (Luke 2:1).Therefore–Jesus was born between 27 BCE and 14 CE. • Herod the Great reigned from 37 BCE to 4 BCE (Matthew 2:1).Therefore–Jesus was born between 27 BCE and 4 Read More …
Strabo was a Greek historian, philosopher, and geographer who lived in Asia Minor during the transition of Rome from a Republic to an Empire (lived ~64 BCE– 24 CE). His most significant work is his Geographica (Geography), written in approximately 20 CE. In Geographica, Strabo mentions Read More …
Or was it something supernatural–like an angel or the shekinah glory? John Chrysostom, (~349–407 CE) was a “notable Christian bishop and preacher from the fourth and fifth centuries in Syria and Constantinople.” He was famous for his eloquent public speaking Read More …