We are excited to announce that Tim will be interviewed by Shannon Davis on Omegaman Radio, Wednesday August 17 from 10:00-11:00 PM; and again on Wednesday August 31, from 8:00-9:00 PM, Eastern time.
On Episode 9504 of Omegaman Radio, that aired July 26, Tim focused on the time period between 67 BCE when the Jewish princes Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II started their civil war, and roughly 48 BCE, when Julius Caesar confirmed Hyrcanus as high priest, but appointed Antipater & Sons as leaders of Judaea.
Over the next two episodes, Tim will take up where he left off and discuss how Herod the Great, an Idumaean without a drop of Jewish blood, let alone royal blood, could become “King of the Jews”. Plus, how Herod defended his appointment as king from all challengers (including his own family) right up until his death in 1 BCE, including why Herod would be “troubled” (see Matthew 2:3) by the arrival of the Magi.
Previous episodes with Tim on Omegaman Radio can be heard on our YouTube channel here, or click on the button below.