If you haven’t already noticed, take a look about 25° above the western horizon tonight (and tomorrow night) shortly after sunset, and you will notice two “stars” in close proximity—these are the planets Jupiter and Venus.
I walked outside last night about this same time and was immediately struck by what I saw. It is overcast where I live tonight, so they are not visible now. Hopefully it will not be overcast tomorrow night.
These two “stars” are normally the two brightest objects in the night sky apart from the Moon.
As part of God Save the King, I rarely interpret modern or current astronomical events, preferring to remain focused on ancient astronomical events connected to the nativity (Matthew 2).
But the question before us now is, “Is there a biblical interpretation of this sign?” And if so, “What is it?”
The basic principle of biblical astronomy is to take note of the positions of the “wandering stars” (the planets) against the backdrop of the “fixed stars” (the constellations).
According to Dr. Dale Sides, a good friend, and fellow biblical astronomer…
“To interpret it, we must locate the spot of the conjunction, which is in the horizontal band of Pisces. This place in the Mazzaroth means ‘reaching out to the nations and winning the lost’.”
“Pisces is symbolized by two fish that are bonded together and attached to the neck of Cetus the sea monster (aka Satan). This means that the two fish are binding the sea monster, and it speaks of warfare. The fish have several meanings, but the primary one is that the one pointed upward represents Israel, while the horizontal one represents the nations of the world.”
Dr. Dale M. Sides, personal email March 1, 2023
The archaeo-astronomical interpretation of Venus, Nogah in Hebrew, is “the splendid one,” the love of Christ. Jupiter, Tzedek in Hebrew, means “the righteous king,” and connotes leadership. Putting these together in this location reveals the following:
The love of God (Venus) and the leadership of Christ (Jupiter) is leading the Bride of Christ in a triumphant victory over Satan. Pisces is symbolic of binding the enemy through warfare, and its outer band symbolizes reaching the nations. This symbolizes Satan being put under our feet with the resulting harvest at the end of the age.
Simply stated, this brilliant celestial light show is proclaiming revival to the world. These planets were foreordained long ago to conjunct at this time and place to announce this message—long before any earthly revival broke out.
The splendor and love of Christ (Venus), and leadership of the righteous King (Jupiter), is reaching out to the nations and winning the lost (Pisces).
Tonight and tomorrow night’s conjunction of the two brightest planets in the sky is announcing that the Holy Spirit is doing a work now. Revival fires are breaking forth across the globe. Let us join in the flow by repenting and diligently praying and seeking the Lord and obeying what He is telling us to do. Repentance is always a now word, but especially at revival time. After repentance comes the refreshing. And there is always refreshing in the presence of the Lord.
Lift up your eyes. Your redemption draws nigh.