Personal or Politics? Herod the Great’s Game of Thrones

Herod’s father, Antipater II, was assassinated by a political enemy, to which Herod responded in kind. His brother Phasael’s death is shrouded in mystery—did he commit suicide or was he murdered while in Parthian custody? During his career, Herod “executed” Read More …

The House of Suren

Surena, also known as Rustaham Suren, was a Parthian general during the first century BCE. He is best known for defeating the Romans, under the command of triumvir Marcus Licinius Crassus at the Battle of Carrhae in 53 BCE. According Read More …

The Records of the Grand Historian

German-American sinologist (expert in Chinese studies) Friedrich Hirth (b.1845-d.1927), wrote China and the Roman Orient: Researches into Their Ancient and Medieval Relations as Represented in Old Chinese Records in 1885. In his book, he cites The Records of the Grand Read More …

The Parthian Legislature

The Parthian legislature was a bicameral institution. “Camera” is Latin for “chamber” hence, bi-cameral = two chambers. (Not to be confused with “two camels”.) The “upper house” was essentially the royals, or royal family—the Arsacid dynasty. The “lower house” consisted Read More …